Large-Scale Industrial Research

Thanks to Curtin University’s distinct combination of industry and scholarly expertise, the Curtin Corrosion Centre has partnered with industry to design, build, commission and operate large-scale processing facilities.
In this regard, in collaboration with Chevron, the Curtin Corrosion Centre has engineered and built the only Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) laboratory-scale regeneration and reclamation research facility in Australia. Similarly, the Curtin Corrosion Centre designed a world-first pilot liquified natural gas (LNG) regasification unit in partnership with Woodside. Curtin's LNG process reaches cryogenic temperatures a priori assumed to be impossible to simulate in the laboratory. Our researchers have also developed a noble CO2 capture by cryogenics process as part of the CO2 CRC.
Besides studying the influences of process parameter in MEG regeneration processes and LNG regasification efficacy, researchers at the Curtin Corrosion Centre investigate, e.g., coatings and materials compatibility, corrosion of instrumentation, the influence of change in production parameters in liquid corrosivity and materials corrodibility, and more.
The large-scale units also offer unique learning opportunities to undergraduate and postgraduate students from across the Faculty of Science and Engineering.